caring for you

Helping you with the following supports

Assistance with personal activities

Lending a hand to get you ready for your day wither by supervising or more hands on assistance is what we do. We can help with what you need, whether it is going on outings, attending appointments, eating or bathing. Whatever you need , we are there to assist

Assistance with transport

When you have to go, we are there to take you where you need to be, comfortably and safely. We can either stay or come back when you need us to. Prefer a bus? We can do that too.

Development of life skills

As we progress through our lives we all need assistance in a world that is complex, ever changing and full of challenges. What may be easy for one person is an obstacle for another and we help you develop those skills that give you maximum independence. This takes time, but can be done with motivation, mentoring and most of all the right encouragement.

Help with household tasks

We are here to show you how to live independently, safely and in a clean and comfortable way. This means that we can help show you how or do the work; whatever suits you best. This can include cleaning, gardening, meal preparation, laundry and the list goes on.

Help to participate in the community

Whilst being at home can be fun, and should be, there is a while fun filled world outside in the community as well. Preparing you for that, getting you to and from the activity , and learning how best to participate in it, opens the door to much more enjoyment. We can either be with you, or stop back but be ther should you feel uncomfortable.

Other assistance

How else can we help you? We work with people we trust and who we know are interested in delivering best quality work at a fair price. Our company values will extend to their work and we can be involved to do more than just introduce you if you prefer.

Your might find ANSWERs here

You can reach us using the contact form on this website or directly using

You can also call us on

0434 114 691

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds reasonable and necessary supports that are connected to the disability you are living with and each participant’s NDIS Plan is different. The NDIIS can provide you with funding to access our services and this will be discussed when you settle your Plan.

Not all types of support required by a person living with a disability fall under the responsibility of the NDIS .

Some supports are funded by other areas of government (e.g. state health systems) or existing public/community services.

In general, the NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help a person living with a disability enjoy an ordinary life.

These supports and services fall into three categories.


A support that assists with activities of daily living.


A support for an investment, such as assistive technologies; equipment and home or vehicle modifications; or funding for capital costs (e.g. to pay for Specialist Disability Accommodation).

Capacity building

A support that helps build independence and skills.

Common examples of supports provided or funded by the NDIS include:

  • Help with personal care activities and/or household tasks
  • Home and vehicle modifications
  • Assistive technology, aids and mobility equipment, including set up and training by skilled personnel
  • Transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities, e.g. workplace, gym or places of learning
  • Support to find and keep a job
  • Therapeutic supports like occupational therapy, speech therapy and behaviour support
  • Health-related supports (as long as they are a regular part of your patient’s life and the need for them arises from a disability), e.g. continence, diabetic management, dysphagia, epilepsy, nutrition, podiatry, respiratory and wound and pressure care supports .

We are a small and caring business that values each and every one of our Participants. We are here for the long term and value quality over profit. We hire the best caregivers and monitor their work closely, and most importantly, we listed to you.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent agency responsible for implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you’re eligible for the NDIS, the NDIA will work with you and your family to help you identify the supports you need to live your life and achieve your goals.

You do! Your NDIS plan will tell you how much funding you will receive for each support but it’s your decision how funds are managed. You can choose to manage your funds yourself or nominate the NDIS, a registered provider or someone else you trust to do it for you. With the NDIS you’ll always retain control over how, when and where your supports are provided.

NDIS Local Area Co-ordinators (LACs) are locally based representatives who can support you in implementing your NDIS plan. This might include assisting you in finding community activities and mainstream services in your local area to help you achieve your goals. However, they can’t be as hands-on or involved as your support co-ordinator, which is why we highly recommend support co-ordination to make sure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

An NDIS service agreement is a legal agreement between you and your service provider which outlines the support that will be provided for you under the NDIS. It describes how and when the support will be provided, as well as the payments and fees you have to pay.

We can provide a level of help for most of your needs including thise which might relate to the following:

  • Personal hygiene
  • Paperwork or paying your bills
  • Social interaction
  • Maintaining a clean home
  • Setting priorities
  • Meal planning and preparation
  • Healthy behaviours and exercise
  • And much more!